Scenic Backgrounds – Trees (147)
ID Premium back-scenes are self adhesive, making them very quick to apply to most flat surfaces. No glue needed.
They are printed on a flexible plastic sheet, as opposed to the standard paper. This makes them much more suited for installation in any outdoor building, such as a garage, shed, or loft, where condensation and damp may be an issue.
Shot by a professional photographer and printed to a high standard on water, scratch and tear resistant polypropolene with a self adhesive backing, this 9 inches high backscenes add depth and detail to N gauge layout.
2 X 5′ lengths per pack to make a 10′ backscene
Sets connect together to form a larger image: set A connects to B, which can also connect to C (if exists) which can in turn connects to D (when set D exists, too).
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